Biology 2020

Objective Questions


The cell as the basic unit of life consists of:

Correct Answer: C) Cytoplasm and nucleus

Use the following Classes of Arthropoda to answer the question below.

I. Crustacea
II. Insecta
III. Arachinda
IV. Chilopoda


Which members of the classes live mainly in an aquatic habitat?

Correct Answer: A) I


Which of the classes is characterized by the possession of two pairs of antennae?

Correct Answer: A) I


The organism with spiral chloroplasts and nucleus suspended by cytoplasmic strands is:

Correct Answer: B) Spirogyra


The network of double membrane that conveys materials through the cytoplasm is the:

Correct Answer: D) Endoplasmic reticulum


Food is stored in the part labeled
A. I

Correct Answer: B) Bulb


The plant is a:

Correct Answer: B) Bulb


The part labeled I is the:

Correct Answer: B) Scale leaf


Which of the following materials is not a living semi-permeable membrane?

Correct Answer: D) Sheet of cellophane


In an experiment, mould and yeast cells were transferred into an environment with low oxygen concentration. After a few days, the mould dies while the yeast cells did not. Which of the following statements best explains the following observation?

Correct Answer: C) Respiration can take place in yeast cells in the absence of oxygen


Which of the following tissues does not provide support in flowering plants?

Correct Answer: B) Parenchyma

The diagram is an illustration of an experimental set-up. Study it and answer the question


The set-up directly measures:

Correct Answer: A) Transpiration of water by the shoot


The set-up can measure comparatively the rate of:

Correct Answer: C) Transpiration of a single shoot of a plant under different experimental conditions


The respiratory organ of a cockroach is:

Correct Answer: B) Trachea


The excretory product of some reptiles, birds, and insects is:

Correct Answer: D) Uric acid


The part of the mammalian kidney that stores urine is the:

Correct Answer: D) Bladder


The properties of the endocrine system include the following except:

Correct Answer: D) Release of secretion into ducts


Which organ in humans controls unconscious actions?

Correct Answer: A) Medulla oblongata


What happens when the ciliary muscles of the eye contract?

Correct Answer: B) The lens becomes more convex

The diagram is an illustration of a part of a flower. Study it and answer the question below


The function of the part labeled "I" is:

Correct Answer: B) Passage for the male gamete to the ovary


The part labeled II is the:

Correct Answer: C) Fused ovaries


The reagent used in testing for carbon (IV) oxide is:

Correct Answer: B) Lime water


Oxygen comes out of the stomata during photosynthesis through the process known as:

Correct Answer: A) Diffusion


The first stable product of photosynthesis is:

Correct Answer: C) Glucose


An example of a trace element is:

Correct Answer: D) Copper


Which of the following statements about a mixture of a protein-digesting enzyme and starch solution would be correct? The protein-digesting enzyme

Correct Answer: A) has no effect on the starch solution


The mutualism type of relationship is different from a parasitic relationship because in mutualism

Correct Answer: A) both organisms involved benefit

The table below shows the number of some organisms in habitats W and Y. Study it to answer the question below


What type of habitat is W?

Correct Answer: B) Pond


Which of the following statements about habitat W is correct? The

Correct Answer: C) type of organisms present indicate that habitat is aquatic


The number of lions and antelopes in habitat Y shows that the lion

Correct Answer: B) is the predator while the antelope is the prey

The diagram above illustrates an ecological instrument. Study it and answer the question below


A disadvantage of the abiotic factor measured by the instrument is that it:

Correct Answer: C) leads to flooding when in excess


When the instrument is in use, it is usually:

Correct Answer: A) placed slightly above soil level


Soil with the finest texture is:

Correct Answer: B) Clay


The position occupied by an organism in a food chain is the:

Correct Answer: C) Trophic level


The depletion of the ozone layer will result in the earth's surface receiving more:

Correct Answer: C) Ultraviolet rays

Use the list of insects below to answer the question below:
I. Cotton stainer
II. Honeybee
III. Termite
IV. Weevil


The insects whose activities are both beneficial and harmful to humans are:

Correct Answer: B) II and III


Which of the insects destroys grains?

Correct Answer: D) IV


Conservation of natural resources does not:

Correct Answer: D) Threaten the survival of species


A company was prohibited from producing bags made from natural leopard skin. This is an attempt to conserve:

Correct Answer: C) Wildlife


Which of the following substances is not a conservable natural resource?

Correct Answer: A) Mineral


A child that can receive blood donation from anybody belongs to the blood group:

Correct Answer: D) AB


Variation which exhibits a wide range from one extreme to the other is:

Correct Answer: C) Continuous variation


Measurements of height and weight of students in a class show:

Correct Answer: B) Continuous variation


Which of the following statements about chromosomes is correct?

Correct Answer: B) The number present in a species is constant


Which of the following diseases can be inherited?

Correct Answer: C) Sickle cell anemia

The diagram above is an illustration of a cross between plants A and B of the same species. Study it to answer the question below


If the F1 generation are plants with high yield and resistance, the genotype of the F1 generation plants would be:

Correct Answer: A) YYRR


The process that gave rise to the F1 generation is:

Correct Answer: B) Cross fertilization


Replication of DNA molecules is catalyzed by an enzyme called:

Correct Answer: A) Polymerase


Who proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection?

Correct Answer: A) Darwin


Which of the following statements best explains the reason why termites swarm at night?

Correct Answer: D) They can only see in the dark

Theory Questions


  1. Explain briefly how the human ear carries out its function of balancing.

  1. Outline a chemical test for

  1. Complete the table below
  2. Disease Causative organism Vector Control
        Female Anopheles mosquito  
    Ringworm   None  
  3. Explain briefly the biological basis of preserving foods using each of the following methods

  1. Explain briefly
  2. Complete the table below by naming the classes of vertebrates in their evolutionary trend and giving one example each of the classes.
  3. Classes of vertebrateOne example

  1. Explain briefly the following types of fertilization in animals
  2. Name two groups of animal each that exhibit the types of fertilization in (a)
  3. Explain briefly how the activities of organisms bring bout dynamic equilibrium in the habitat.
  4. State four problems that organisms in the intertidal zone of a marine habitat could encounter.
  5. Explain briefly the reasons that the following factors are necessary for germination
  6. Explain briefly the reason light energy is considered a limiting factor in the production of foods by autotrophs.

Practical Questions

Specimen A– Clayey Soil
Specimen B – A solution of one part of egg albumen mixed with two parts of water in a test tube/beaker.
Specimen C — Mushroom (freshly plucked).
Specimen D — Giant land snail.
Specimen E – Transverse section of ripe pawpaw fruit.
Specimen F– Transverse section of ripe tomato fruit.
Specimen G – Fresh pod of cowpea plant.
Specimen H – Complete, green pod of pride of Barbados plant.
Specimen J – Fresh Okro fruit
Specimen P– Potassium Permanganates solution.
Specimen Q– Granulated am sugar (100g) in a beaker.
Specimen R –5-day old boiled egg with shell intact store in a worm place /rotten egg with shell intact.
Specimen S – 10ml of lime/lemon juice in a test tube.


Study Specimens B, C and D and answer questions 1(a) To 1(f).

  1. Give the name of each of the tests in 1(a)i) and 1(a)(ii). (i) ____________ (ii) _____________
  2. State two ways by which specimen C is of economic importance.

Study Specimens E, F, and H and answer questions 2(a) to 2(f).

  1. What types of fruits are specimens E, F, and H? E: _________ F:_________ H: ___________
  2. Name the types of placentation possessed by each of specimens E, F and H
  3. Name one agent of dispersal each of specimens E, F and H?
  4. Using the scalpel/blunt knife provided, cut open specimen H along the line of split from one side only.

Study Specimens P, Q and R and answer questions 4(a) to 4(d).

  1. Use the information below to complete the following table
  2. Name the biological phenomenon that occurred in 4(a)(iii)
  3. State two factors each that will increase the rate of the phenomenon named in 4(b) for each of the activities in 4(a)(i) (ii) and (iii)
  4. Gently place your thumb on the inked stamp pad provided